Friday, June 19, 2009


Sorry I have not been on much life has been a little crazy here. I will try to keep this blog active.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Sometimes Kids Just Do Things Better Than We Do

We were mowing someone's yard today. Along with that comes shaping bushes, weed wacking and pulling weeds out of the brickway. We need to do all this while keeping an eye on Elijah. Well I will tell you one secret. KIDS LOVE PULLING WEEDS OUT OF THE BRICKS FOR YOU! It's one of those jobs you just HATE and they just LOVE. So it works out REALLY good! lol He is such a fine detailer to! Picking out every little weed. It may take him the whole time you all are doing what you need to do but it keeps him happy and in one spot lol! He also liked to sweep so we let him do that. Nobody likes these small jobs but they are just right for kids and they are helping you out. It can take twice as long if you have to entertain a child because then your not working. But if they are working with you lot's of progress can be made. I love my lil helper.


Kraft Barbecue sauce is on sale for a $1 at Giant. Go here to print off 2 $1 coupons to get 2 free!

ALSO if you need more than just 2 bottles Giant doubles coupons. At my Giant they had a .35 off peelie on the bottles of barbecue sauce. You can do as many as you want. We did 13. So it is really .70 off doubled making it .30 a bottle!!! Pretty good when regular price is $1.59 a bottle.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Poor Abigail

Abigail is our Boer/Nubian mix pictured below with her baby. She was five years old and she was a FF (First Freshener). After the baby was born I noticed her back end had not closed up properly. Well 4 hours later it did. She was weak but seemed like she would be okay. She never delivered the placenta and kept pushing and pushing. We gave her antibiotic to help any possible infection there may be. We also gave her Vitamin B Complex for appetite the next day. She never got an appetite and started paying less and less attention to her baby. We got home on Sunday when I noticed she had really gone down hill. She could not stand up and had to be dragged. Dragging a 130 pound goat is not very easy especially when she is in her house. Meaning she would have to be picked up then dragged. Then her back end turned black and I think it may have been starting to rot. She would not survive and possible way of getting the placenta out. I was feeling for a baby being stuck like I was up inside her there was just nothing there not even any placenta or anything. I felt her udder because I figured we might as well get her milk out before we shoot her for the baby. And it felt like a baby in there. Like it was coming breech. It felt like a head. So we shoot her and were trying to get her opened up in 4 minutes just in case the kid should be alive we would get it out in time. Well it was just bad mastitis which she probably got because she was so weak that she couldn't stand up. We buried her and it was just awful. There was nothing more we could have done but it is still sad to see your goatie die.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Homemade Peanut Butter

Today we decided to try and make our own homemade peanut butter. First we'll introduce the makers of the homemade peanut butter. Please excuse how I look I am not feeling 100% today.Mrs. Peanut Butter maker #1. My mother.
Miss Peanut Butter Maker #2.
If you have not figured out who this person is yet I will leave no hints. If you are new to my blog look at the below post and you will figure out who this is quickly ;)!

Okay now moving on...First take them out of the bag...LOL ;)!
This is just a joke as the recipe is so easy.
Then shell them!
You will need 2 cups or 1 pound of peeled peanuts.You of course need a little helper for the pouring!
Put the pound of peanuts in the food processor.Look at that concentration hehe!
I love how he has his tongue sticking out in that picture!Grind grind grind away!
Till you reach a creamy consistency or the way you like it!

Add salt or honey or both.
We did 1 Tablespoon of honey and 3/4 teaspoon of salt.
Oil is optional add to your liking.

The final product!
It is very yummy and way better than this stuff...

One good thing before I put this post to an end you know what is in your peanut butter when you make it. No preservatives if there is anything unhealthy you chose to put it in there. This is why we omitted the oil and used as little salt as possible.

Well there you go that is our Homemade Peanut Buttery adventure!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

New Pictures of Me

I realized my avatar was over a year old so I thought I would update it with a current picture. Here are some of the picture that were taken.

Me and Joseph.
Me and Joseph again. As you can see Joseph is very loved. I was glad Rose found her way in the picture as well! I love her so much. She is my favorite doe. As you can also see I picked this for my avatar.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

We Decided On A Name

We chose Joseph because he was the brother of Rueben. We have a Rueben. Then also he has a coat of many colors! I thought the name really fit.

Another Picture!

Look at those droopy ears! Aren't they adorable?! He also has the cutest expression on his face in this picture.

Joseph's Parents

Both were light tan at birth. How is it possible to get the baby below out of these two? Also notice the Alpine marking on both. There is nothing Alpine about Joseph many people you could have convinced that he is a 100% pure Nubian. You would honestly think somebody just dumped him off in Snow's pen or something because everything about him is completely out of the blue. I love my sweet little surprise dearly he is just want I wanted!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

More Pics!

Snow's Baby

My adorable buckling:

Click picture to see it better. This little guy was 9 days late! He looks to be about 4 lbs. I am guessing he may have been this big because of the CL Snow's body is trying to fight (if she is). He was so cute! I just couldn't get over it! You should have seen me! Well I guess you should heard me. I am so sure everybody thought I was insane. I will get a cuter picture of him when he wakes up. I am SO excited! Snow was a great mother. I am pretty sure she has CL. So we are going to put her down when we get the results if she has it. Right now he is nameless. So suggestions welcome!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I Miss My Little Eli!

The house is to quiet with out this little smiling face around. I am suffering Elijah Withdraw Syndrome. Sounds pretty serious huh? It is! You see there are now times the house is to quiet and clean. Nobody to ask whats 8 divided by 4. No one asking what I'm doing. Nobody to sing with ya. No kitchen helpers. No tummy ticklin'. No kisses and hugs. No refusals of the aforementioned. I tell ya I miss him so muchly.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

No Respect

Somebody ran over my duck. Yes that is his tongue popped out of his mouth. His wing was broke and he could not walk that well. So I am now selling all my ducks so it doesn't happen again. I am keeping some of my favorites in a roomy pen and selling the rest. Who could just run over a duck? Very sad. :(

Friday, April 3, 2009

Isn't The World So Beautiful?

This is indeed my Heavenly Father's world!

Only God could make something so beautiful like flowers!

Baking Bread Today!

Here are some pictures of the very yummy bread I made:
Sorry the pictures are dark.This is NOT bread machine bread I still can't figure out why it had a hole in the center.

Makes very yummy garlic bread!

Trivia what does the garlic breads look like on the pan? Use your imagination. I accidentally did this. It reminds me of an old man with rosy cheeks and a mustache. What do you think? Hehe!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Weighed Rueben

I weighed Rueben again last night and he weighed 33 lbs. He turned 1 month old the 24th of March. I have a feeling he is going to be a big boy!

Come On Snow

I have been waiting on Snow to kid for a long time. She has a strutted udder meaning very tight. She can barely hop up on a tire. She is having a hard time walking on her front leg and getting around. Today she has had her head to the pole all morning like she's in pain. No goo yet. Just 100% completely miserable driving her owner 100% completely insane.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Healthy Coupon Round Up

Ever want to buy the better things for you but can't afford to? Here are some coupons to help:

Seventh Generation baby products $2 off coupon go here!

$8 off in Stoneyfield Organic Dairy products go here for this coupon. They are only good 10 days after you print them so print them when you need them.

Hope this helps some!


Thursday, March 26, 2009

My Last Name

Should you think I have spelled my last name wrong I haven't lol. That is the older more German way to spell Drayer. My Great Grandfather spelled it Draher and my Grandpa changed it to be more American I guess you'd say Drayer. I prefer Draher as it is more Germanish. My great great grandfather was directly from Germany. He came over to America. Interesting had he not I would be in Germany today speaking German!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Abide With Me & Oh How I Love Jesus

Abide With Me

Oh How I Love Jesus

Sorry Oh How I Love Jesus is a little fast. My camera was losing charge and I wanted to get it in. I know I need to practice some. So what do you think? Did I do well?

Music Video Taping Funny

Don't worry for those of you interested I will try to get one up of me playing for real. If it is a little loud it gets creaky sounding so I am trying to get a good one. In the mean time enjoy my goof ups! If your wondering what the hey is at the end I couldn't get the camera turned off hehe.

Elijah Knows His Math

I gave him a candy cane so he'd cooperate with getting a video taken of him. It worked! What do you think?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Homemade Ketchup

Elijah helping us make a home made ketchup. After he was done mixing he enjoyed eating it...straight.

Friday, March 20, 2009

New Pictures!

Snow very pregnant and ready to burst.
Her udder has grown a lot! It just got huge overnight. I am thinking very soon.

Really cute picture of Ruben I snapped today. He weighed in at 29 lbs today! He has gained 14 lbs since I have had him.

Hey where ya going?
You would not believe this but Rose(the white one) curled up in my lap like a big baby and went to sleep today just so Snow would not get attention. She is SO jealous!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Free Coffee Mate Creamer

At Walgreens they are having Coffee Mate Creamer on sale 2/$2.49. Go here to get a coupon for $1.50 off per container to get these FREE plus possible overage. If you use your browsers back button you can get up to 4 of these coupons.


Frugal Shopping Trip

Here is our latest shopping trip we spent $56 total.

We got:

1 10 lb. Rice

4 Coffee Mate Creamers FREE!

10 packages Chicken Hamburger

5 packages Nature's Promise chicken

7 lbs. Cabbage


2 Cucumbers

2 Peter Pan Peanut Butters




1 Graham Crackers

1 Axe Shampoo FREE!

1 Headache Medicine FREE!

1 Macaroni Salad

1 DrPepper FREE!

Idea: Always ask if something has no label if they will give it to you discounted. Likely they will because it will just go in the discount isle anyway. We got one peanut butter for .50 that way!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Free DrPepper

Go here to get a free DrPepper!
The site will say for Diet but when you actually get the coupon you can get either Regular or Diet. It says it on there.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Gianna Jessen

This is the story of a abortion Survivor. Very interesting videos!!


This is my new goat Rueben. He is 2 weeks old. He is a purebred Saanen. His momma died when he was 12 hours old. He and his sister were being bottle fed. I went to the feed mill and saw a sign that read "Purebred Saanen buckling. Registered parents. Born Feb. 24." Perfect I thought. Then I was like they would be asking WAY to much like $200 or $300 but I figured I would check any way just in case. So went and inquired of the little guy. The man told us he was selling him for $35 my eyes got SO wide! That was amazingly cheap. So we took a look at the little one and he was perfect! Long haired and wattles! I LOVE WATTLES! They are SO cute! When we were leaving his sister cried and cried for him. You felt SO horrible taking him away but it would happen anyway one day. His name is so true for him. It means unstable as water. Could you imagine losing your momma at 12 hours old then if that weren't enough you lose you sister to. His life has been unstable indeed. He is now my little guy and he loves me so much! I have been wanting a Saanen buck for quite a long time. It was one of those ridiculous wish list items that I thought I would never get. Well God worked out all those issues anyways. Praise God!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Guy With No Limbs

This is a very interesting and funny video about a guy with no arms or legs who goes around preaching.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Somebody Sent Me This

Somebody sent me this so here it is.

1. Spell your name how it sounds. AN-GA-LA

2. Are you saved? Yes!

3. What's your favorite number? 7

4. Favorite color? Green I guess.

5. Least favorite color? Orange

6. What are you listening to? My little brother rolling a dump truck on the floor.

7. Have you ever wanted to be a fire fighter? No.

8. Do you believe in God? Yeppers!
9. Do you know how to swim? Yes.

10. Do you like roller coasters? No

11. Does your car get good gas mileage? I don't have a car.

12. Does your family have family picnics? Rarely.

13. Does your house have a bookcase in it? Yes.

14. Have you ever been to Canada? No.

15. Have you ever gone fishing? Yes.

16. Have you ever seen a celebrity? No and wouldn't care to.

17. Have you ever been on a motorcycle? No.

18. How much money do you have on you right now? None.

19. How many cars have you owned? 0

20. How many jobs have you had? 1

21. How tall are you? Around 5' 7"

22. Last person to call you? My friend Jessica.

23. Last thing you yelled out loud? Get down from there right now!

24. Last person you were in a car with? My Family

25. Last time you ate at McDonalds? What in the world! About 2 days ago. Ask me the same question 3 days ago it would have been like a year or 2.

26. Last thing you had for dinner? Yucky fettuccine by guess who?

27. The last thing you bought? A purse and gloves.

28. Last person you saw? Elijah.

29. Last time you cried? Yesterday.

30. Last time you laughed? Yesterday.

31. What is the temperature outside? Cold but warmer than usual. 34 degrees.

32. What time did you wake up? 8ish

44. Do you have a best friend? Yes.

45. What goes best with a soft drink? A Chipotles Burrito.

46. What did you do two nights ago? I couldn't remember last night no less. Well let's see oh yeah sledding!

49. Is your birthday coming up? In 7 months.

53. Where were you at 3:02 AM this morning? Very knocked out asleep.

59. What was the first thing you thought this morning? Did Snow have her baby.

60. What are your plans for this week? A baby goat being birthed and that's about it.

64. Coke or Pepsi? It changes. I try not to drink soda though as it can eat away cement floors. Imagine what it is doing to your stomach lining!

66. What do you dislike at the moment? That I am the only one with the ability to keep the fire going so that we don't freeze.

67. What did you dream about last night? Snow delivering a sphinx kitten.

68. What's the last TV show you watched? Don't watch TV.

69. What is your favorite piece of jewelry? Don't wear.

70. Should this have been a different question besides the one it was? Yes!

72. Are you on any medication? No.

73. Have you ever cut your own hair? I have about 5 years ago.

74. What is your favorite frozen treat? The Popsicle with fruit in it.

75. How many piercings/tattoos do you have? Unfortunately I made a bad decision 7 years ago and got my ears pierced. I know believe it is wrong.

76. Where's your favorite place to be? Church and with friends.

77. Is there someone you haven't seen in a while and miss? Jessica and her family.

79. Do you care what people think about you? To much.

80. Last new person you met? My cousin wife I think.

82. Last person to tell you they love you? I don't remember been a while.

84. Last person to make you cry? Well it weren't a person but the picnic table I sledded into.

85. Who can you tell anything to? Jesus.

86. What are you doing today? To the barn to check on Snow.

87. Do you have a crush? I have heard of that soda but have yet to try it ;).

89. Do you like ketchup? Yes.

90. Will you be in a relationship 3 months from now? No.

91. What color is your pillow case? Dark brown.

92. -

93. Have you ever been to California or Chicago? No

97. What is your favorite fruit? strawberries

98. What do you want to do today? Talk to somebody and catch a goat kid.

99. Are you cold? No.

100. Does it annoy you when someone says they'll call or text you and they don't?
A little bit but I try to be understanding.

31 Questions

1. Where is you cell phone? Yet to order. Will order soon.

2. Where is your shoes? Not where they should be.

3. Your hair color? Dark blond almost brown

4. Your mother? Washing clothes.

5. Your father? At work.

6. You favorite thing to do? Singing

7. Your dream last night? Ummm okay if I must. I had a dream that Snow my goat due anytime now had a Sphinx kitten. You know the hairless new cats. Weird I know.

8. Your dream/goal? To serve God to the fullest.

9. What do you hear right now? My brother making car noises.

10. Your hobby? I guess my goats but that's not really a hobby. I love to train animals and teach them to do things.

11. Your fear? I hate/fear elevators.

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Married living on a farm serving God with my whole heart.

13. Where were you last night? This is bad I don't know... I'm guessing I was home :p

14. What you're not? An octopus. Is that a good answer? hehe!

15. One of your wish-list items? Saanen buck.

16. Where you grew up? MD

17. The last thing you did? Fed my goats and ducks and checked on Snow.

18. What are you wearing? A green comfy cape dress.

19. Your TV? In the closet felt no need to really have one so it's in there in case we ever want to watch a movie or something.

20. Your pets? My pets are 1 dog, 3 cats, 6 goats, goat kids on the way, 21 ducks, 50ish chickens, 2 rabbits and 1 little bantie chicken.

21. Your computer? On the computer table. I don't really get this question.

22. Your mood? Silly.

23. Missing someone? Nope everyone's here ;).

24. Your car? Don't have one don't want one.

25. Something you're not wearing? A Clown Suit.

26. Favorite store? This is a no brainer CVS!!!

27. Your summer? Can't remember.

28. Love someone? Yes God and my brothers and sisters in Christ!

29. You favorite color? Hmm to pick between dark red green and dark brown.

30. When is the last time you laughed? Yesterday when I almost hit a picnic table sledding.

31. Last time you cried? Yesterday.

My New Purse

I am not a fancy type girl. I like pretty plain and simple. I needed enough room for all my belonging which included my bible. In our area they only sold purses for nut cases. So I had a very hard time finding a normal purse. I had to go all the way to NC to get one! Here is what my pretty plain and simple purse looked like:

We had a fun time going shopping in NC.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I am leaving for my Grandmas today and will be back March 1st. When I get back I am sure I will have lot's to share so keep your eyes open for posts from me!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Look What I Have Been Making

I was watching Elijah as mom cleaned the bathroom this morning so he helped me make these flowers. It took construction paper, scissors, staples and address labels lol. I looked everywhere for tape and could not find any. So I used some Christmas address labels we got for free in the mail as tape. Worked really well because they are really the perfect length! I thought the turn out really nice. They were simple to make. What do you all think?

Monday, February 16, 2009

A Tree Crashed In My Goat Pen

A tree crashed in my goat pen breaking some fencing up. Dad was saying that he needed to cut down a tree for firewood for next year. Well there you go maybe not the way you wanted but now all you have to do is cut it up hehe. All the goats were safe. Rose was out having a blast and she is NOT one to be bad or jump fences. So I figured she must be in heat. I went to put her back and realized the tree was down so she just hopped out. Lily was such a good girl and stayed regardless of the oppurtunity. I was so proud of her! She is a excellent girl most of the time and perfectly behaved most of the time. Below are some pictures. They are hard see due to a exceptionally sunny day.It crashed through the fencing!

Close up fence is a tangled crushed mess.

There was not much holding up that tree! I am glad no goats got hurt.Lily curious about what is going on.

Rose was very thirsty after her escape.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

My Goat Loves The Camera

My buck Buck has had a fascination with the camera since he was little. He LOVES getting his picture taken and always gives mommy a few good shots.
Too Funny!

Vaccinations make me...
SICK! lol

How I managed to get a picture like this I am not sure he is just such a great little picture taker. Really you could add anything you are trying to prove to this picture. MSG, fluoride, Mercury etc. make me (you post the pic) sick! Now for real if you want to use any of my pictures please ask my permission first.

He also asked that I give him the credit for such great pictures.

From Me(Buck)! ;)